Collection: Adukale

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More about Adukale

Where and how can I buy Adukale online?

You can buy Adukale online at The State Plate at best prices. The Slate Plate delivers Adukale anywhere in India and abroad including USA, UK and other international countries. The Stale Plate also offers free delivery above a certain amount for domestic orders. You can buy other famous brands from The State Plate also. The State Plate delivers products from Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, etc.

Why is Adukale famous? What is the story behind the brand?

You can shop Sankethi Adukale Snacks/Namkeen online at The State Plate with delivery across the globe. Sankethis are a community of Smartha Brahmins primarily residing in the Mysore region of Karnataka. Sankethi style of cooking is completely different and incorporates a blend of tastes from Kerala, Karnataka and Tamilnadu. In Sankethi, Adukale means Kitchen. Sankethi Nutriments Pvt Ltd is a 10-year-old enterprise and is endorsed by over 20 lakh customers worldwide! They aim to revive grandmother's traditional recipes, and take you into a world of nostalgia!

Which state is Adukale originate from?

Adukale originates from Bangalore, Karnataka. But with The State Plate, you can now buy Adukale anywhere in India and globe.